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After the hop-dip galvanising, the pipes are generally quenched in the solution of sodium di/bichromate to protect the white rust formation on pipes. Generally it has been observed that the galvanised pipes do get white rust on their surface even after the sodium di/bichromate treatment, which mars the quality of the product.

Bright is a unique liquid chemical which when added into the quenching tank water, forms a coating of this chemical itself and hence generally eliminates the chances of white rust formation. It also increases the brightness of the pipes. The uses of bright vis a vis sodium di/bichromate is economical, as it costs less for unit tonne of steel pipes galvanised.


  • Apperance: Dark bright red coloured liquid.
  • Packing: 50 Kg / 40 Kg packed in plastic carboys.


Bright is especially suitable for galvanising mild steel wires, pipes, sheet, structures, plane and threaded products and other miscellaneous mild steel items